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How High-Performance Doors Enhance Parking Facilities


Spiral Parking Facility Doors on white brick building

Today’s modern buildings and their residents demand exceptional parking options that keep them and their belongings safe and secure, 24/7. Maintaining security and complete control are critical aspects of a successful parking operation. High-performance doors combine durability, strength and security with aesthetic appeal to help improve building management and tenant satisfaction.

High-performance doors simplify building management

High-performance doors can help building owners provide many types of users with easy, secure parking access at different days and times – without creating additional management challenges.

Fast open and close rates. High-performance doors can open and close at up to 100 inches per second, helping maintain tenant satisfaction and a smooth flow of vehicles into and out of the parking structure.

Enhanced building security. A common challenge is unauthorized visitors “tailgating” or “piggybacking” behind a resident’s vehicle to sneak into the parking structure before the door closes. High-performance doors close quickly and securely, providing a secure structure to help prevent vehicle thefts and ensure the safety of residents.

Rytec AARCEasy control. Today’s high-performance doors simplify access management with multiple options for access control, including Bluetooth-based technology, mobile apps, wireless key fobs and traditional key cards. They can also be connected to a cloud-based access management portal that allows building owners to control access rights based on each resident’s and user’s unique needs. 

Dependable. Reliable high-performance doors are engineered to withstand the daily rigors of use for millions of operating cycles. They’re designed with minimal maintenance needs – including energy-efficient motors and self-diagnostic controllers – to ensure trouble-free, efficient operation, day in and day out. They also help reduce energy costs and minimize the likelihood of vehicle-door collisions.

High-performance doors improve tenant satisfaction

Modern high-performance doors provide upscale apartments and condominiums with stylish security that enhances the experience of their residents and owners.

Enhanced sense of safety. Their fast opening and closing speeds sharply reduce the potential for unauthorized access to the parking structure and building itself, helping tenants feel safe and secure in their building.

Convenient access. Technology-enabled door access options make it easy and convenient for tenants to access the parking garage at any time. Some systems, such as the Rytec AARC, even allow residents and visitors to use a smartphone for instant access.

Sleek and stylish. A modern high-performance door gives building owners the perfect blend of heavy-duty, reliable design and architectural and aesthetic appeal. Plus, they offer ultra-quiet operation for building and resident comfort.

Watch how Rytec doors have enhanced the parking garage for the residents at 2727 Kirby. Click here to watch video.


See how high-performance doors can improve your building’s parking structure and enhance your building’s appeal. Contact us today to discuss your needs.

Explore our full line of parking doors here. 


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