Red Stripes

First Responders: Make Every Second Count with High-Performance Doors



ambulance sitting outside of a parking garage high performance doorFor first responders, every second counts in the race to minimize the loss of life and property. Emergency personnel and vehicles should never have to wait for a door to open.

That’s why high-performance doors are a must for fire stations, police departments and emergency response teams. They enable the efficient flow of first responder traffic in and out of the station, helping the department respond ASAP to emergencies.

Here’s how high-performance doors can make a life-saving difference in this demanding application:

Enable crews to respond to emergencies faster. High-performance doors open at speeds up to 100 inches per second, ensuring fast vehicle exits from facility bays. This means that first responders don’t have to wait for a door to open or close. That, in turn, means they can answer emergency calls faster.

Watch our video side-by-side comparison of a conventional door vs. a Rytec high speed door and see the difference. Click here to watch video. 

Rytec Spiral Door vs. A Conventional Door

24/7 reliability. High-performance doors are engineered for high-traffic, high-cycle environments like fire stations and EMS facilities. They’re built to be reliable during critical events and to last over millions of opening cycles of day-in and day-out use in all weather conditions.

In contrast, conventional sectional doors usually operate with continuous metal-to-metal contact, which can shorten the lifespan of the overall door and critical operating parts such as rollers, tracks and door panels. Certain proprietary high-performance rollup doors have no metal-to-metal contact, allowing them to last longer. In addition, they use a variable-speed AC drive system that enables soft acceleration and deceleration to increase the life of the door’s operating components.

Reduced maintenance costs. High-performance doors require much less maintenance than conventional doors, contributing to low overall operating costs. Their fast opening and closing speeds also reduce the chance of doors being hit by a passing vehicle, which reduces downtime and costly damage to the door – as well as to expensive equipment and vehicles.

Increased energy efficiency. The high speed of high-performance doors helps to minimize air exchange and leads to better climate control. This also improves the overall energy efficiency of the building. Because the doors are usually open only for a few seconds at a time, more of the facility’s heating and cooling energy stays inside. Once the doors are closed, durable rubber seals protect against energy loss along the bottom and sides of the door and between the door’s aluminum slats.

Whether for new facilities or updating existing buildings, high-performance doors represent life-saving solutions for fire stations, police garages and emergency response services.

Learn more about Rytec’s high-performance doors for emergency response services here.

Contact us today for more information on how a Rytec door can benefits police, fire, rescue and EMS operations.


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