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Energy Efficiency in Warehousing and Manufacturing Operations


white truck sitting in front of Predadoor fabric warehouse doorFor most modern manufacturing, distribution and warehousing operations, energy efficiency is no longer a nice to have – it’s a must. A key part of that equation is energy-efficient doors. 

Each of these large buildings has multiple doors that must open and close hundreds of times per day. That’s a big potential source for energy loss, especially in northern climates where the external temperature can vary by over 100 degrees between summer and winter.

How can high-speed roll-up doors increase the energy efficiency of your industrial buildings? Here are five ways:

Fast opening and closing speeds: High-speed doors minimize the amount of time that the interior of the building is exposed to the outside elements. That helps building management keep it operating at a constant temperature, which in turn minimizes the load on its HVAC system. If it doesn’t have to work as hard, it should have a longer service life with less downtime. That also translates into a more comfortable environment for workers inside the facility.

Energy savings are especially significant for manufacturers that have air-conditioned production areas connected to warehouses that aren’t. Nicolet Plastics LLC (f.k.a. CNR Plastics) in Jackson, WI, is a perfect example. In the below video, general manager Bob Albrecht highlights the efficiencies provided by the Rytec PredaDoor® NXT® that connects its plastic injection molding operations to its warehouse.

CNR Testimonial

View CNR Plastics Testimonial 

Keep pace: High-speed door operation also helps to keep your operations flowing smoothly. This means no extra wait time for the doors to open, and fewer opportunities for collisions between forklifts and doors.

Hands-free operation: Today’s high-speed roll-up doors use proximity sensors and other devices to detect the presence of people, forklifts and other equipment. They signal the door to open and close. That means equipment operators don’t have to take their hands off of controls or get off of their machines to manually actuate the doors, which further minimizes the amount of time they are open and helps maintain safe operations. Further, hands-free activation has become even more essential in ensuring staff health and overall plant safety during the current pandemic conditions.

Edge and bottom seals: Today’s high-speed roll-up doors incorporate seals along the bottom edge and sides to help maximize their energy efficiency. In the unlikely event of a forklift-door collision, the doors often can be reset in minutes. This minimizes the time that the building is exposed to the elements and helps workers maintain traffic flow and optimal productivity.

Insulated door panels: Modern high-speed roll-up doors can be manufactured from energy-efficient materials, which help to minimize energy loss while they’re closed.

Ideal for Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS): Today, a growing number of warehouses use automated storage and retrieval systems, which utilize automated guided vehicles to place and retrieve items from inventory. Often, they run as “lights-out” operations and may even incorporate a low-oxygen atmosphere to minimize energy costs. In these settings, high-speed doors are a must to minimize air infiltration.

It’s time to upgrade your facility’s energy efficiency

If your manufacturing, distribution and warehousing facilities still use older sectional doors or slow, maintenance-prone panel doors, it’s time for an energy and efficiency upgrade. Contact Rytec High Performance Doors today to discuss your needs.

See our selection of Manufacturing and Warehousing doors here. 


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