Red Stripes

Maximizing Efficiency and Increase Productivity

Activation Systems

Safe, secure opening and closing is crucial for both equipment and pedestrian needs. Different facility operations often require customized activation methods depending on the type of vehicular traffic moving through doorways and/or concern for foot traffic safety near the threshold. Rytec offers several activation types including manual, automatic and enhanced options. These allow for customized  door  activation and operation across a variety of applications.

  • Provide easy movement through door threshold
  • Reduce chance of contact with door
  • Control environments differentials with minimal open time
  • Maintain traffic patterns

Automatic Activation Devices:

Automatic activation devices provide a hands-free method of opening and closing doors for a variety of traffic situations. These devices manage high traffic flow environments well and in a wide variety of applications and conditions. However, presence devices may also have environmental limitations. Depending on door height and width, sufficient space between desired activation zones and surrounding non-traffic activities should be considered. 

These include floor loop sensors, motion detector and presence detectors.

Enhanced Activation Devices:

The LZR-Widescan Multi-Function Device manages not only the desired activation area, but allows definition and flexibility that enhances the interaction in areas adjacent to the doorway. In combination with the Rytec System 4® Controller, the versatility is unparalleled. This system is especially useful when untrained or traffic unfamiliar with the door’s automated activities is expected.

Manual Activation:

Manual activators are simple devices used to intentionally activate, open, close and stop doors. They work well when defined use or defined traffic patterns are desired. Manual activators work well in many different applications and markets, but typically are not used in high cycle/traffic flow applications.

These include devices such as push buttons, remote controls and pull cords.